
Well hello there, 

I'm Kathryn, but I tell most people to call me Kat - I dread getting the often misspelled 'e-r-i-n-e' version, so Kat suits me fine in that it's very difficult to spell that incorrectly!

I'm a Designer living in the York Region area (you can see my site here) creating awesome and beautiful residential, commercial and event designs. After battling cancer at a young age I craved to find a way to change people's lives and make my mark in the world. Not yet knowing how to do this, I spent some time 'soul-searching' while behind a desk as an Operation Manager for a large company. Realizing I had a talent in art and design, along with my serious skills of coordination, organization and administration, I decided designing  spaces was the perfect outpost to extract my creative juices!

So, with my boss' blessing, I headed back to school and came out with three separate educations in Event Planning, Visual Merchandising and Interior Decorating. I received lots of awards and acclaim along the way and I loved every facet of what I was accomplishing.

When I'm not creating spaces and events, I like to read (I'm a sucker for self-improvement books), create hats, revive old objects, surf the web, swim laps, do crafts, shop thrift-stores, play my music loud and sit back with my friends. I've been trying to like working out... but it's just not happening.

I dance like I'm in a music video when no one's home.

I hate cooking. If I could have things my way, I'd live a happy life solely on cheese, red wine, olives and pickles. It's no coincidence that none of those things need preparation...

I drink far more coffee than any one person should consume. I have a dog named Chuck and he doesn't like you, or anyone for that matter, so please don't be offended - it's not personal.

I blog because analyzing the world around me is so much more fun if I can share it with you! Reading and writing weblog's is an entirely new category of media and learning. When I read other blogs, I'm learning so many things I could have never realized on my own. There is nothing I want more than for you to feel that too! 

So, wherever you are, wherever you've been or are going to, I can't tell you enough how absolutely privileged I am that you stopped by my blog. I truly hope it makes you smile, laugh, get interested and alters your day for the better.

I'd love to hear about your feelings, thoughts, ideas, and other blogs, so please leave me comments or contact me.

Thank you so much for reading,


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